What should you do after a motorcycle accident?

The lack of essential safety features a car offers makes motorcycle accidents different. There is a greater risk that the rider can suffer serious injury, or even worse, suffer a fatality. In fact, a motorcyclist is 29 times more likely to die in a crash than a car passenger, per miles traveled. That's why you must know what to do in the event you, family members, or another loved one was involved in a motorcycle accident.

Don't worry, we're here to help with that! Keep reading for our guide on what to do after a motorcycle accident.

At the Scene Make Sure Everyone Involved is Ok

The first thing to do is to make sure that you, the other vehicles involved, and all passengers and pedestrians are okay. Straight after, you should only worry about your safety and the safety of those around you. Make sure that when checking with the other individuals that you refrain from apologizing and do not admit fault. Insurance companies will see the police report and use it as an admission of fault to deny you the compensation you deserve.

Call an ambulance if there are injuries and you must report the accident to the police department. You must wait for law enforcement, don't leave the crash scene. Even if you feel ok and aren’t experiencing pain, it's worth seeking medical attention.

This is because shock can mask external and internal injuries. Broken ribs and internal bleeding do sometimes remain unnoticed. It could take a few hours, or even a few days for the injuries and any pain to set in. With authorities called, get everyone away to a safe distance away.

Where possible, try not to disturb any of the wreckage or the crash scene. This will help law enforcement gather evidence and work out what caused the vehicle accident.

It's also worthwhile to gather photos if you can once everyone is safe. Collect information and evidence so that you are in the best possible position to recover compensation.

Gather the Vehicle Information and Insurance Information of the Other Party

Unlike an auto accident, it's rare for a motorcycle accident to leave no damage or injury. If you're not suffering an injury, gather information about the insurance company and vehicle details of the other vehicles involved.

This should include:

  • Vehicle registration number

  • Insurance company details and number

  • Driver's full name

  • Driver's contact information like phone number, address, email, etc.

  • License details

Bear in mind that some people won't do the right thing and wait at the scene of the crime. So, try to get the personal information as immediately, otherwise, it could prove harder to get justice.

Preserve the Scene & Gather All Evidence

Like with any traffic accident, as we've said, you want to preserve the accident scene and gather all evidence. Any auto accident lawyer and motorcycle accident lawyer will tell you this step is vital.

It's even more important with a motorcycle accident because of how severe they tend to be. In the case of serious injuries, a better-preserved scene and fresh evidence will increase your claim success when dealing with the insurance company.

So, once you've got the other driver's information, talk to as many other people from the accident scene as you can. Record their witness testimony on your phone, write it down, get their contact details, and license plate numbers of the vehicle or vehicles involved.

You should get statements from witnesses and other people involved in the crash. This should also include responding service personal from the emergency services and police.

Take your own pictures of the scene, undisturbed. If possible take them from different angles and get videos too. While this might seem gruesome, it's important. These photos should include the other vehicle too as well as your visible injuries.

And don't throw away your motorcycle, even if it's a write-off. Leave it in the exact condition it was in after the accident occurred. This is to provide proof if the other driver tries to dispute the damages or dispute fault. Your bike could have the evidence to prove who caused the crash.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Even if you feel ok, you must seek medical attention and treatment. First off, this is important for your well-being and could make the healing process faster.

You need and want to heal, and the best way to do this is to get the diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. This way, the doctor can come up with a healing plan for you to follow.

The second reason you want to do it is to help prove your injuries and damages done. It's a well-known tactic by insurers to use delays in seeking medical treatment to discredit a claim.

There is a higher risk that they will try to argue that the injuries can't have been that bad if you didn't treat them right away. They'll be calling your integrity into question. Immediate medical care will strengthen your claim, giving them no room to do this.

Locate All Your Insurance Sources

A lot of people don't know all the sources of insurance that can apply to a motorcycle accident. It's something any motorcycle accident attorney can attest to.

For example, there might be liability insurance on the vehicle that hit you. Or, the at-fault driver may hold an extra insurance company policy that would apply in this situation.

If the at-fault driver was in a company vehicle, or on the job at the time, this opens up extra insurance. You may also qualify for uninsured motorist coverage if you're hit by a driver without it.

You must find out all the sources of insurance and notify them as soon as possible to strengthen your claim. As such, it's not a good idea to try this without the guidance and aid of a motorcycle accident attorney.

Hire a Great Motorcycle Crash Lawyer

This brings us to the next point, hiring a good quality motorcycle crash lawyer. A lot of the time, there is frustration by motorcyclists at the result of their claim. In part, this often comes down to the fact they didn't hire the right experienced attorney.

A motorcycle accident would fall into the wider category of auto accidents. But, due to their more severe outcomes and unique factors, they should be their own practice area.

When you're shopping around for an attorney, make sure they practice motorcycle accidents. Ask your chosen motorcycle accident lawyer how much experience they have, and ask for references. You should also look at their online reviews, to get a sense of their success rate, and if they would offer sound legal advice.

What Should You Do After a Motorcycle Accident? - Know You Know

So, there you have it! Now you know the answer to "what should you do after a motorcycle accident?" It's first important at the scene to make sure everyone is safe if you're able after first making sure you're ok.

Then, if you're able, prioritize gathering as much evidence as you can. The more you get that's fresh from the scene, the stronger your case can be. In the hands of a capable motorcycle attorney, you stand the best chance for the justice you deserve and getting you fair compensation as well as making sure insurance handles the bulk if not all of the medical bills that may be required.

If you're looking for a motorcycle accident lawyer you can trust, contact us today for a free consultation. At Kerley Schaffer, we're here when you need us the most, and we're dedicated to getting the justice and legal council you need.