Oakland Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Our case-winning attorneys get justice for you and your family.

(510) 379-5801


PAY NO FEE until we win your motorcycle accident case.

We’re Oakland motorcycle accident lawyers who specialize in helping victims who aren’t sure where to turn. We make sure insurance companies and other motorcycle accident attorneys don’t take advantage of you.


Motorcycle Accident Settlement

Our client was travelling on Interstate 84 on his way home. He was on his motorcycle going 15 to 20mph. He was suddenly struck on his left side by the defendant. The impact caused him to lose control of his motorcycle and fall off. The defendant had made an abrupt lane change without ensuring that traffic was clear.

Our motorcycle accident client sustained lacerations and contusions. The defendant initially offered $35,000. We filed a lawsuit against the defendant and settled for $71,000.


Choose a motorcycle accident lawyer with decades of case-winning experience.


Motorcycle Accident Statistics

  • The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that approximately 90,000 people are injured each year in motorcycle crashes.

  • Over 4,500 people die each year from involvement in motorcycle accidents.

  • A motorcyclist is 28 times more likely to die in an accident than a someone in a car.

  • Motorcycle riders are five times more likely to suffer injuries than people riding in an automobile.


What Causes Oakland Motorcycle Accidents?

Many factors can contribute to a motorcycle crash. Environmental conditions and mechanical malfunctions include:

  • Bad road conditions like wet roads, potholes, loose gravel, storm debris, and unsafe construction sites

  • Inadequate warning signs

  • Fixed objects on a road’s shoulder

  • A vehicle part in the road

  • Poor weather conditions

  • Car and truck blind spots

  • Motorcycle malfunctions like tire blowouts, brake failure and electrical problems

Motorcycle accidents can be caused by automobile or truck drivers who:

  • Drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Are distracted, texting, inexperienced, fatigued or negligent

  • Ignore a motorcyclist’s right of way

  • Merge into a motorcycle rider’s lane

  • Cut off a motorcyclist

  • Tailgate a motorcyclist

Motorcycle accidents can be caused by motorcyclists themselves when they:

  • Speed or accelerate too rapidly

  • Ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Are inexperienced riders

  • Tailgate other vehicle drivers

  • Engage in aggressive lane splitting

  • Weave in and out of traffic

Choose a case-winning Oakland motorcycle accident lawyer.


Need a great motorcycle accident lawyer? Choose Kerley Schaffer.

  • Decades of experience representing motorcycle accident clients in trial and appellate courts to level the field against big corporations.

  • Assistance in getting outstanding medical care for your motorcycle injuries.

  • A dedicated motorcycle accident cases assistant assigned to your case from day one until you’ve recovered for your injuries.

  • Deep knowledge of how to handle insurance companies who cheat motorcycle accident victims to increase their own profits. 

  • A scrappy, dedicated team of motorcycle accident lawyers in Oakland, CA serving:

    • Alameda County

    • Contra Costa County

    • San Francisco County

    • Santa Clara County

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Motorcycle Accident Compensation

The value of your specific motorcycle accident claim is unique. There is no average settlement value since very accident is different. The best way to receive an accurate answer is through a free consultation with an Oakland motorcycle accident lawyer.

The total value of your motorcycle accident claim may include the following:

  • Medical expenses

  • Loss of income

  • Short and long-term disability-related costs

  • Motorcycle repairs or replacement

  • Legal fees and other out-of-pocket costs

  • Rental car fees

  • Pain, suffering, and emotional damages

  • Lost quality of life and punitive damages

  • A motorcycle crash claim with serious or catastrophic injuries or fatality is worth more than a minor personal injury claim.

Contact an experienced Oakland motorcycle accident attorney.

What your insurance company won’t tell you about motorcycle accident injury claim

Insurance companies are “for profit” corporations. The rules say they can’t use their claims department as a profit center. Unfortunately, too many companies violate these rules. They:

  • Teach their motorcycle accident claims adjusters to maximize company profits.

  • Often misrepresent or conceal right to compensation for future medical bills, lost wages, quality of life, and emotional trauma.

  • Use computer-driven claims systems to create low compensation offers to increase company profits.

  • Misrepresent motorcycle accident serious injuries by claiming they aren’t severe enough to be compensated.

  • Delay settlements and defend their decision by forcing an expensive, drawn-out court battle if you don’t take their walk-away offer.

  • May pressure you to give a recorded statement about the motorcycle accident even though you are NOT required to do so.

  • Store information about your previous motorcycle accidents, insurance claims, and settlements history to look for ways to refuse to pay legitimate claims. 

  • Demand you sign their medical authorization release forms to get unrelated health information to use against you.

What to do after a motorcycle accident

Don’t feel pressured, and don’t sign anything or give a recorded statement to the insurance company without legal representation. Contact a trustworthy motorcycle accident lawyer.


Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries in Oakland

Serious injuries from motorcycle crashes can require surgery, long hospital stays and physical therapy. Injuries also occur when motorcyclists fail to wear or improperly use protective gear like helmets or leather gear. Common motorcycle injuries include:

• Broken bones: arms, hands, fingers legs, ankles, feet and toes

• Fractured hips

• Amputated fingers, hands, toes and feet

• Punctured lungs and broken ribs

• Fractured or broken vertebrae

• Neck and skull fracture

• Spinal cord injuries and paralysis

• Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

• Internal injuries

• Road rash, lacerations, scarring and disfigurement

• Emotional and psychological suffering


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Types of Oakland Motorcycle Accidents

Left Turn Motorcycle Accidents

Perhaps the most common motorcycle accident is when a vehicle makes a left-hand turn while a motorcycle is approaching an intersection. A motorcyclist may also be attempting to pass a car on the left side and the driver is unaware that the motorcycle is even there. Since motorcycles are small it is easy for them to enter a vehicle’s blind spots. Vehicle drivers may also act negligently or impulsively and make left turns without signaling their intentions.

Head-On Motorcycle Collision

Head-on collisions typically occur at high speeds and are often fatal to the motorcyclist who may be thrown from the motorcycle. Head-on collisions account for more than half of all motorcycle fatalities.

Motorcycle Crash Into Stationary Objects

Motorcycle riders may be thrown off their motorcycles from a variety of factors and strike stationary objects like other cars, road guardrails, signs, telephone poles or trees.

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is legal in California, but it’s a controversial subject. Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist rides in between two lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Lane splitting can reduce traffic congestion, save time, and help prevent accidents like rear-end collisions. However, lane splitting can be dangerous and cause accidents for both the motorcyclist and nearby drivers. Especially when a car suddenly changes lanes without looking or signaling. If a motorcyclist is reckless in lane splitting, they could be held liable for an accident.

Highsider Motorcycle Accident

A highsider or highside motorcycle accident is a sudden and violent rotation of the motorcycle around its long axis. This typically happens when the rear wheel loses traction, skids, and abruptly regains traction. This creates large torque which flips the motorcycle rider head-first off the side of the motorcycle or over the handlebars.

Lowsider Motorcycle Accident

The lowsider or lowside motorcycle accident usually occurs when the motorcyclist is making a turn. It happens when the front or rear wheel slides out from braking to hard into a corner, too much acceleration through or out of a corner, or too much speed carried into or throughout a corner. A lowsider is also caused by loose material like oil, water, dirt or gravel on the road.

Getting into a car accident is a frightening experience. Accidents are often caused simply from a driver’s failure to follow the rules and drive safely. We’ve handled many car injury accident claims over the years. If you’re hurt, reach out for a free case evaluation.


What our personal injury clients say…


Helpful and informative

If you or anyone you know ever needs legal support I highly recommend you reach out to the Kerley Schaffer firm for help. - Luis M.

Professionals at Kerley Schaffer LLP

The professionals at Kerley Schaffer LLP were able to answer all my questions and even help me seek out the medical help I needed. - Namuuna B.

They took care of everything

They took care of everything for me, walking me through everything each step of the way. I confidently recommend Kerley Schaffer law firm, if I could give 10 stars, I would. - Alison C.

Far beyond what was expected

The experience and concern for others went far beyond what was expected. It’s nice to be treated like a real person and not a prospect. I am grateful to have been represented by Edward and his team. - William

Couldn’t have asked for better representation

We would recommend this firm to a friend or family without any hesitation. - Anne P.

Very professional

Kerley Schaffer was the best choice by far. The case manager and the staffs really knew what they are doing and they were very professional and knowledgeable. From the very beginning, they explained all the necessary procedures, made it clear on what I would expect, and guided and helped me from getting treatments to settlement. I felt that they deeply cared about me, not just my case, and fought for my best interest. I would recommend them for any personal injury case. - Eunhei J.

Nice settlement

The professionals at Kerley Schaffer LLP were very helpful and without them I would have never ended up with such a nice settlement. - Janie Y.

I got the best outcome.

They REALLY fight for you. One thing I liked the most about this law office was communication. I could get follow-up and updates about what’s going on with my case, and I got the best outcome. - Ryan Y.

Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend

I am so grateful that I was introduced to Kerley Schaffer Law Firm. I felt completely lost dealing with my own insurance company after I was in an accident, and they took care of everything. If you are thinking of getting a lawyer, just call and I’m sure you will have a great experience just like I did. - Angelica L.


How our motorcycle accident attorneys can help you get a fair settlement

1) Investigate

We’ll investigate the motorcycle accident, gather evidence, and analyze it to prepare the strongest claim to your insurer. A motorcycle accident lawyer will handle all communication with the insurance companies to protect your rights. This includes preserving evidence and documenting the facts of the motorcycle accident case while they are still fresh.

2) Get you the best medical treatment

If you’ve been injured, we will connect you with top medical professionals to diagnose and treat your injuries. Once all injuries are diagnosed and treated, we begin negotiations with the insurance company.

3) Negotiate

We’ll negotiate with the insurance carrier or other responsible parties. Our office will communicate with you during this process. A motorcycle accident lawyer will also negotiate with your medical providers to reach a fair bill adjustment.

4) Litigate

If the responsible party’s offer is unreasonable, we file a lawsuit. Although jury trials are rare, we prepare every case as though it will go before a jury. We hire experts, take depositions, and invest the necessary time to win.

5) To trial if necessary

This is the final step when all else fails. Our experienced personal injury trial lawyers present your case to a jury who determines your financial compensation. The process can be slow and frustrating, but we love it - going to battle and getting you justice.

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How to choose a motorcycle accident lawyer

Motorcycle riders can be more at risk for accidents due to distracted drivers, auto blind spots, road hazards, or poor communication between other motorcyclists. If you are a motorcycle accident victim and need a personal injury attorney, working with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who knows California motorcycle laws can make a difference when it comes to getting the maximum compensation and care you deserve.


Find a firm has a track record of actually trying motorcycle accident claims and appealing important issues in the appellate courts. 


Choose a firm that has laser focus on taking and winning motorcycle accident cases similar to yours.

Financial strength

Look for a firm who will follow through with your motorcycle accident case even if they cannot obtain a settlement right away.


Get immediate answers about your motorcycle accident during your free, confidential, one-on-one consultation.

We'll reach out to you within 1 hour. You’ll get all your questions answered, and have a clear understanding of how to proceed. We look forward to hearing from you.

Or call (510) 379-5801.

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