Oakland Personal Injury Lawyers

Our case-winning attorneys work hard to get justice for victims and their families.



We’re Oakland personal injury lawyers who specialize in helping accident victims. We make sure insurers don’t take advantage of you.


“Best choice by far…”

Kerley Schaffer was the best choice by far. The case manager and the staff really knew what they are doing, and they were very professional and knowledgeable.

From the very beginning, they explained all the necessary procedures, made it clear on what I would expect, and guided and helped me from getting treatments to settlement.

I felt that they deeply cared about me, not just my case, and fought for my best interest. I would recommend them for any personal injury case.

Why Kerley Schaffer?

  • Decades of experience representing personal injury accident clients in trial and appellate courts to level the field against big corporations.

  • Assistance in getting outstanding medical care for your injuries.

  • A dedicated case assistant assigned to your case from day one until you’ve recovered for your injuries.

  • Deep knowledge of how to handle insurance companies who cheat victims to increase profits. 

  • A scrappy, dedicated team of Oakland personal injury attorneys.

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What your insurance company won’t tell you about personal injury claims

Insurance companies are “for profit” corporations. The rules say they can’t use their claims department as a profit center. Unfortunately, too many companies violate these rules. They:

  • Teach their claims adjusters to maximize company profits.

  • Often misrepresent or conceal right to compensation for future medical bills, lost earnings, quality of life, and emotional trauma.

  • Use computer-driven claims systems to create low compensation offers to increase company profits.

  • Misrepresent injuries by claiming they aren’t severe enough to be compensated.

  • Delay settlements and defend their decision by forcing an expensive, drawn-out court battle if you don’t take their walk-away offer.

  • May pressure you to give a recorded statement even though you are NOT required to do so.

  • Store information about your previous accidents, homeowner’s insurance claims, and settlements history to look for ways to refuse to pay legitimate claims. 

  • Demand you sign their medical authorization release forms to get unrelated health information to use against you.

Bottom line

Don’t feel pressured, and don’t sign anything or give a recorded statement to the insurance company without legal representation.


Personal injury cases our law firm handles

• Car & motorcycle accidents

• Bicycle & pedestrian accidents

• Uber/Lyft accidents

• Commercial trucking accidents

• Slip and fall

• Wrongful death


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You deserve compassion and justice if you’ve been injured in any of the following:

Car & motorcycle accidents

Accidents may result from a driver’s failure to follow the rules. We’ve handled thousands of personal injury accident claims. If you’re hurt, consult with us about your case.

Bicycle & pedestrian accidents

Drivers who fail to follow the road safety rules should be held accountable. Roadway hazards, construction sites, and other dangerous road conditions may also cause serious injuries. If you’re hurt, we can help.

Uber & Lyft accidents

The ridesharing industry has grown overnight. Unfortunately, so have more accidents. Insurance will cover your injuries in ridesharing accidents. Call us for help.

Commercial trucking accidents

Trucking accidents can cause serious injuries, including brain trauma, spinal cord injury, and death. If you’re hurt, we have experience dealing with trucking firms and their insurance companies.

Slips and falls

These accidents can be complex. Consult with one of our Oakland personal injury attorneys immediately to be compensated for hip fractures, brain and back injuries.

Wrongful death

If a family member’s life has been cut short because of someone’s negligence in a vehicle or workplace accident, we will seek justice on his or her behalf.


“They really fight for you.”

Being involved in a car accident is always stressful from the beginning to end. But the Kerley Schaffer law office took care of everything and fought for me against the insurance.

They REALLY fight for you.

One thing I liked the most about this law office was communication. I could get follow-up and updates about what’s going on with my case, and I got the best outcome.

Now I have a go-to friend for car accident and personal injury cases.

How our Oakland personal injury lawyers can help

Below are some of the key steps we take to make sure that you and your family get a fair settlement. 


1) Investigate

We’ll investigate the accident, gather evidence, analyze it to prepare the strongest claim to your insurer. Our team will handle all communication with the insurance companies to protect your rights. This includes preserving evidence and documenting the facts of the case while they are still fresh.


2) Get you the best medical treatment

If you’ve been injured, we will connect you with top medical professionals to diagnose and treat your injuries. Once all injuries are diagnosed and treated, we begin negotiations with the insurance company.


3) Negotiate

We’ll negotiate with the insurance carrier or other responsible parties. Our office will communicate with you during this process. Our team will also negotiate with your medical providers to reach a fair bill adjustment.


4) Litigate

If the responsible party’s offer is unreasonable, we file a lawsuit. Although jury trials are rare, we prepare every case as though it will go before a jury. We hire experts, take depositions, and invest the necessary time to win.


5) To trial if necessary

This is the final step when all else fails. Our experienced personal injury trial lawyers present your case to a jury who determines your financial compensation. The process can be slow and frustrating, but we love it - going to battle and getting you justice.

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How to choose a personal injury law firm


Find a firm has a track record of actually trying cases and appealing important issues in the appellate courts. 


Choose a firm that has laser focus on taking and winning cases similar to yours.

Financial strength

Look for a firm who will follow through with your case even if they cannot obtain a settlement right away.



Request a free consultation.


Speak with a trusted personal injury lawyer with over 25 years of case-winning experience.

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