What We Do
No one should be a victim. No one should be a plaintiff. But sometimes life happens. Especially when “life” means separating an insurance company from its money.
Sometimes putting up your fists becomes necessary.
That’s where Kerley Schaffer shines.
We work on contingency. That means if we take your case, we don’t get paid until you do.
We bring decades of experience and a deep knowledge of the insurance industry to our cases.
Finally ... we stick with you through the process, which can be stressful, scary, and long. We have cases which are going on their third trial. We take our cases to appeal if necessary. Until we get to the finish line, we are with you.

Our Cases
Bad Faith Insurance
After a fire or water disaster at your home or business, your property insurer will find ways to deny your claim or underpay you. We have filed hundreds of suits against every carrier under the sun. We know all the tricks and games. And we have the right team to fight back.
Car Accidents
We represent people injured in accidents. We know how insurers work, because, well, because we sue them a lot. We can help get you through the process, whatever that takes.
Fraudulent Business Practices
We challenge fraudulent business practices. Usually insurance companies, but sometimes mortgage companies and others.