Oakland Bad Faith Insurance Claims Attorneys

When your California home or commercial property insurance company refuses to make a fair claim payment, our case-winning lawyers can help.

  • California wildfire damage / Fair Plan claims

  • Homeowner claims

  • Commercial property

  • Underinsurance


Did Fair Plan deny or lowball your California wildfire claim? Learn more…


We have tons of experience and success with property damage cases.


Bad faith insurance cases we handle

• Wildfire

• Fair Plan claims

• Fire & smoke

• Water damage

• Wind damage

• Unauthorized tenant alterations

• Building collapse


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We represent clients dealing with:

  • Insurance claims wrongfully denied

  • Fair Plan claims

  • Low-ball or inadequate insurance claim payments

  • Unreasonably delayed insurance claim payments

  • Wrongful insurance policy cancellations


Our process

Below are some of the key steps we take to make sure that you get a fair settlement.


1) Investigate & review

We investigate the damage to your property. Then we review your insurance policy to find coverage for your loss and determine if your claim is being settled fairly.


2) Negotiate

Once we’ve investigated the claim and analyzed your insurance coverage, we’ll communicate with the insurance company or invite them to mediation to resolve the claim quickly. Mediation is facilitated by a neutral mediator to see if a confidential resolution can be reached with the carrier to make up for the harms caused by unreasonable delay or withholding of your policy benefits


5) To trial if necessary

If the carrier refuses to negotiate in good faith or mediate, we’ll likely take the case to trial. And the odds are we will win because we dig deeper, work harder, and expose companies that break the rules.

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Insurance companies may deny your perfectly valid claim, or take a hard line on a settlement that is much less than you are entitled to under your policy. They’re betting you won’t fight back against a company with hundreds of billions in the bank.

When you bring us on board, it’s a
different story.

The lawyers across the table from us know that we try cases, and we win, which makes obtaining favorable settlements much easier.


Pay no fee until we win your case.