Getting into a car accident isn’t something any driver looks forward to. However, they’re incredibly common and the average driver will end up getting into about four accidents in their lifetime. Though each accident is stressful, nothing compares to the stress and confusion you experience after your first car accident. You need to know what to do in the days following your accident if you want to have the most success with your insurance claim. Here’s what you need to know to get your life back to normal as quickly as possible.

Get the necessary info from the other driver

The first thing you need to do after your first car accident is to make sure you and any passengers are safe. If you are, move your car out of the way of traffic and start getting information from the other driver. Ask them for their contact information and insurance details. Make a note of their policy number, insurance provider, and take a picture of their insurance card if possible.

You’ll also want to gather as much information about their vehicle as you can. If you have your phone handy, take pictures of their vehicle, making sure to note the make and model of their car. It’s also a good idea to take a picture of their license plate number and any other distinguishing marks on the vehicle. If people witnessed your car accident, ask them if they’d be willing to share their contact information with you. Your insurance provider can use their statements to process your claim more quickly. When possible, call the police and file a formal report immediately following the accident. This can help you prove fault when you file your insurance claim.

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible

Once you leave the scene of the accident, it’s always best to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Even if you don’t feel pain or think you have any injuries from the accident, you should still get checked out. You don’t have to go the same day as your accident unless you know suffered an injury. In fact, waiting until the following day could give you a better idea of the extent of your injuries if you have any. Once you see your doctor, ask for records of the appointment and any diagnosis you might receive. The insurance company will use this information to help determine the appropriate settlement amount.

Contact your insurance agent

You’ll want to call your insurance agent to let them know what happened as soon as you can. The sooner you speak with them, the sooner they can file a claim on your behalf. Don’t hold anything back. Answer their questions in as much detail as you can and send them the other driver’s contact information, photos, and any other documents they ask for.

Don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed—it’s your insurance agent’s job to guide you through the claims process with as little stress as possible. You can even ask them questions like, “what should I do after a car accident?” to help you better understand the next steps you should take.

Start keeping track of all relevant records

After you file a claim, you’re not done. You need to start keeping detailed records of everything pertaining to the accident. If you see your doctor and receive a new diagnosis, keep track of those medical records. If you take your car to a mechanic for an estimate, get that estimate in writing and hold onto it to make sure you get a large enough settlement from the insurance company. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and have too many records than it is to not have enough documentation to back up your claims.

Schedule a consultation with your car accident attorney

Anytime you’re a victim of a car accident, it’s a good idea to speak with an attorney about your case. Though most cases end up getting settled without legal help, some end up going to court. Bring your records with you to the consultation and explain what happened in as much detail as you can. Make sure to discuss any concerns you have with any proposed settlements from the other driver’s insurance provider. Your auto accident attorney will review your situation and can help you decide if it’s worth going to court or if the insurance provider is acting in your best interest.

Review any settlement offers

Once you get the settlement offer, it’s tempting to cash the check as soon as possible. After all, you need that money to help cover the damages after your first car accident. Instead of rushing to the bank, take your time and review the settlement offer in detail. Look at your records and see if the amount they offer is enough to cover the damages you suffered. You can also discuss the offer with your car crash attorney to see if they think you’re getting what you’re owed. Remember, if you cash the check, you’re accepting the insurance provider’s settlement and waive your right to contest it in the future.

Decide to accept or challenge the settlement

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if the settlement offer is enough to cover your expenses. If you feel that it’s inadequate, discuss the next steps with your attorney. They’ll be able to tell you what’s best and can help develop a strategy to get you the money you deserve.

Get help after your first car accident

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed after your first car accident. There’s so much to do and figure out that you may feel tempted to accept whatever settlement the other driver’s insurance provider offers. Before you cash that check, contact us to schedule a free consultation with our experienced car accident attorneys. We’ll review your case and can help you decide if fighting the settlement is in your best interest. The sooner you get started, the better off you’ll be. Get the help you need, now.